Gulen’s Hizmet Movement

Gulen’s Hizmet Movement Сезон 1. Серия 2

2019, 24 min


In episode 2 of our in-depth documentary series about Fethullah Gulen, researchers discover more about the opaque network of followers the Turkish educator built up via his schools. Recep Erdogan, the Turkish President, has accused the former imam of ordering the failed military coup of July 16, 2016 in Istanbul and insists the US surrender for extradition the man behind what he calls FETO, the Fethullah Gulen Terrorist Organisation. American authorities demand evidence that Gulen, who has lived in Pennsylvania since 1999, is indeed implicated in the military uprising. But how could the self-taught educator have had anything to do with an attempt to overthrow the Turkish government?

Duration: 24 min



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