The chilling story of Anneliese Michel was the most famous сase of demonic possession. Michel had to endure 67 exorcisms in 10 months and died aged just 23, malnourished and dehydrated. Anneliese Michel believed she was possessed by demons and was determined to suffer for the sins of others. Her condition started to deteriorate at 16 when she had her first blackout. The first person to suggest Anneliese was possessed was a family friend. She noticed the girl couldn’t stand holy water and steered clear of the crucifix. Both Annelise and her parents eagerly accepted that idea. It was also because the mental illness diagnosis proposed by doctors was feared as it could ruin a person’s life and reputation a lot more than demonic possession. After months of exhausting rituals and starvation Anneliese died on June 1, 1976.
Both Anneliese’s parents and the priests stood trial. Medical specialists testified that Anneliese’s mental disorder resulted partially from her exceptionally severe upbringing. She was persuaded to suffer for her mother’s sins and obediently fulfilled this mission. According to testimonies, she could have survived pneumonia if she had been force-fed at least a week before her death.