Red Lights Out

Red Lights Out

2021, 13 min, Europe, 18+


In Germany, the world's oldest profession was legalised more than a decade ago, but now has suffered the worst downfall in recent history. Prostitutes were among the first victims of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of them lost their jobs, others were forced to apply for unemployment benefits at their local job center. The call girls stopped working due to fines and sanitary norms. Some of them started working online. However, it didn’t help, it wasn't enough to pay the bills. Some women work illegally, meeting with clients at hotels, flats or even trailers. German deputies are suggesting that Bundestag introduce the Scandinavian model where fines are paid by clients, not by sex services.

Published: 2021
Duration: 13 min
Страна: Europe
Maturity Rating: 18+


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