The Assange Story

The Assange Story


Julian Assange has spent over a decade in the spotlight, pursued by the US government for revealing its darkest secrets. Through WikiLeaks Assange has published millions of leaked classified documents and correspondence on America's wars, politicians and corporations. Now Assange is in London’s Belmarsh prison after his dramatic removal from Ecuador's London embassy. The High Court in London allowed Assange to be extradited to the United States, where he could face up to 175 years in a US prison. In July 2022, Julian again appealed the extradition and is currently awaiting the results. For a broader perspective on Julian Assange, his inner thoughts and motivation, the film crew travelled the globe to meet his closest friends, father and former colleagues.

Published: 2020
Duration: 54 min
Страна: USA
Maturity Rating: 18+


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