Holocaust. The Questions I Never Asked

Holocaust. The Questions I Never Asked

2022, 27 min, Europe, 18+


'The Nazis murdered my entire family. And left me with just mass graves to remember them,' says Paula Slier, the reporter who set out to Belarus in search of records of her family who had been Holocaust victims. At the end of World War One, Brest was almost destroyed. Just like other children at that time, Slier’s grandmother was orphaned and had to sleep in the street or a synagogue, scavenging for scraps and prowling for crumbs in the city straddling the Belarus/Polish border. Paula’s grandmother was lucky to escape the Nazi ghetto set up in 1941, but other families weren’t so lucky. What happened to them?

Published: 2022
Duration: 27 min
Страна: Europe
Maturity Rating: 18+


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