Russians Cancelled

Russians Cancelled

2022, 24 min, Europe, 18+


«Everything Russian is rejected and assaulted, speak as little Russian in public as possible», say Russian people living abroad. Many of them have recently been confronted with verbal assaults, rudeness and even physical threats during the recent wave of Russophobia. European highways now resemble 'roads of fury' for Russian truckers and motorists as vehicles with Russian number plates have become targets. Students become victims of Russophobia, too, as a number of European universities make it clear Russians are no longer welcome. However, there are people in the European community who don’t share in the common sentiment, but their voices are simply not heard. For now, many Russians living in Europe, Israel, and the USA see leaving as the only way out.

Published: 2022
Duration: 24 min
Страна: Europe
Maturity Rating: 18+


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