Congo: Cycle of Life

Congo: Cycle of Life

2017, 25 min, Africa


The residents of Goma live in the shadow of Nyiragongo, one of the most active volcanoes in Africa. In 2002, it erupted and destroyed much of the city, leaving 400,000 people homeless. Fifteen years later there are still not enough jobs. Armed gangs hide in the nearby jungles, tempting young men with a life away from crippling poverty. Despite the bleak conditions, one man is trying to make a difference in the lives of the city’s youth, who normally work menial jobs to feed their families and often resort to theft. Charlie Makongo founded the Goma Cycling Club (GCC) to give its young members something positive to do, so that they won’t become involved in armed groups. For most of the boys, the GCC is a beacon of hope that distracts them from their harsh everyday lives.

Published: 2017
Duration: 25 min
Страна: Africa



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