


WWII fighter pilot Aleksey Maresyev survived the impossible: his plane was shot down in a remote wilderness, the crash broke his legs and he still managed to find safety. It took him 18 days of crawling through a snow-covered forest, with no food or water. The amputation of his legs meant he would be discharged from the armed forces. No doctor would send him back to the front-line. Maresyev, however, wanted to fly fighter planes again to defend his country against the Nazi threat. One detail from his story remained a mystery for many decades: nobody could find his plane. Finally, one man, Aleksandr Morzunov, became a forensic investigator and, by a twist of fate, discovered the crash site. The hero’s son and grandson travel to where the legend of their ancestor was born.

Published: 2017
Duration: 47 min
Страна: Russia
Maturity Rating: 18+


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